Monday, May 6, 2013

Shutter Speed and Aperture to Control Motion and Depth of Field

This class was all about utilizing shutter speed and aperture to control the artistic element of a photo.  In addition to controlling light, shutter speed controls motion (or blur) and aperture controls the depth of field (shallow or deep). 

The assignment was to choose motion or depth of field.  Photograph the same subject.  Change the shutter speed and aperture in stops to create equivalents of the base exposure. 

I chose motion, so I photographed a flag in the wind, using shutter speed as my priority.  In the flag, you are looking for evidence (or lack of) motion.  I started with a fast shutter speed, which will freeze motion.  As you lower your shutter speed, the motion (blur) becomes more evident.

1/1600 @ f/4, ISO 200, 28mm

1/1250 @ f/4.5, ISO 200, 28mm

1/400 @ f/8, ISO 200, 28mm

1/125 @ f/14, ISO 200, 28mm

1/40 @ f/25, ISO 200, 28mm


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