Monday, February 25, 2013

New kicks and big girl clothes

Chloe, the head of the family, sported her first new pair of shoes today.  It's only appropriate that they have a little cat on them...since her third word was "kitty kitty."  Oh, and she absolutely loves our cat, Zella.  We think these Robeez are pretty darn cute. 

 These shoes were one of the first steps (no pun intended) in Chloe becoming a big girl.  Yesterday we switched out some of her baby clothes and replaced them with 12 month stuff.  My eyes may have welled up a couple of times, sorting through those tiny little onesies.  I even found one of her newborn diapers!  I'm so grateful, happy and blessed that our daughter is growing - because that means she's healthy and thriving.  But it definitely pulls on my heart strings to know how fast it's going.  I just LOVE that little girl....and no matter how old she is, she'll ALWAYS be my baby.


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